Unleash Your Healing Power:
Heal, Awaken, and Contribute

Discover a somatic, psychospiritual path to heal your deepest wounds, awaken to your true nature, embody your authentic power, and serve humanity.

Gaia Sophia School of Healing is a modern-day Mystery School for soul-led women. We offer community, healing, empowerment, education, and support for healers, mystics, visionaries, teachers, coaches, and changemakers who wish to serve the awakening of humanity.

Mystery schools typically appear at times of great change on planet Earth to assist those called to step into a soul-aligned path of service to Mother Earth. The Mystery School’s esoteric teachings were held in secret and offered the keys to living an embodied, spiritually aligned, enlightened life. This path asks that we step into the process of initiation and transformation that will help us to grow spiritually so we can embody a way of being that honors who we are and who we are becoming. It teaches us to align with our authentic selves and remember our connection to all of life.

The core of our work is healing personal and collective trauma and learning to live in right relationship with ourselves, with others, and with life itself. As we embody the truth of who we are, we reclaim our inherent power, purpose, and sense of connection and belonging.

Heal your life, and help others to do the same.

Receive FREE access to our Inner Sanctuary mini-course when you sign up to join our email list!

The Inner Sanctuary is a space of peace and harmony within yourself that offers a sense of calmness, relaxation, and a connection to your deeper self.

Bonus: Gain access to our online Gaia Sophia School of Healing community space.

We promise to never share your information with anyone.

Karallyn Streit, CHT, CTRC

Coach For Healers & Founder of Gaia Sophia School of Healing

I am a poet, healer, teacher, Earth devotee, and a survivor of childhood trauma.

I have been working with clients in a healing capacity since 2001, and I am a certified transformational coach, a certified hypnotherapist and ordained minister in the spiritual counseling practice of Depth Hypnosis, a shamanic practitioner, a somatic healer, a certified holistic health practitioner, an advanced energy medicine practitioner, and a Reiki Master Teacher. My other studies include Buddhist and transpersonal psychology, animism, and divine feminine archetypal healing.

My work with others is directly informed by my 30 years of personal healing work, my work with clients over the last 23 years, and the wisdom I have gained in my 52 years of life.

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