Born Anew

Be courageous enough to turn away

From all forms, 

All names, 

All stories,

All identifications,

And all obsessions of the mind

That your ego uses in a vain  

attempt to control reality. 

Be brave enough to allow

that which is not true,

All that is not you,

To be burned away

So that you may be reborn anew.

Stop attempting to





And control reality

To suit your obsessive needs 

And clinging to what is not real,

and cannot possibly be sustained.

Instead, become willing 

to strip yourself 

Of all that is not you, 

All that is not true,

Throwing every last bit

Of the false self into the funeral pyre

Of No-thing, 

Allowing all to be burned away.

What remains is 

The formless,

The limitless, 

The expansiveness

Of what is true,

What is lasting, 

What is truly you…

Allow all that is not you to burn away

So that you may be reborn once again

Into the unity of the 

All-that-is bliss nature of God, 

The ground luminosity,

The oneness,

Pure consciousness, 


That is the truth of who you are. 

Be brave enough to allow

that which is not true,

All that is not you,

To be burned away

So that you may be reborn anew.


Grief Is Sacred


Let It Die