Heal the Mother Wound and Reclaim Your Feminine Power

“By embracing your mother wound as your yoga, you transform what has been a hindrance in your life into a teacher of the heart.”

Phillip Moffitt


Are you an Unmothered, under-mothered, or motherless woman?

  • Was your mother (or mother figure) emotionally or physically abusive?

  • Was she unkind or overly critical?

  • Did she neglect you or ignore you?

  • Did she abandon you emotionally or physically?

  • Was she struggling with addiction, depression, or anxiety?

  • Was she so overwhelmed by her own issues that she wasn’t able to be there for you in the way you needed her to be?

  • Perhaps she was a good enough mother, but not very emotionally available for you.

Mother wound work is for ALL women, even if your mother was loving and supportive. The Mother Wound is the core wound of separation, and is an increasingly popular topic these days, as women are rising and learning how to truly stand in their power, and they are learning what has separated them from that power. The Mother Wound is a big part of this.

The Mother Wound, in short, is the pain of being a woman in a patriarchal society. It is pain that we all carry, and it is passed from one woman to the next, mother to daughter until someone finally stops the cycle. The Mother Wound tells us that we aren’t enough and that we are too tells us that there is something terribly wrong with us, that we are weak, that we don’t matter, and as a result, that we should keep quiet, be “good”, not rock the boat and just COMPLY with the status quo and DO AS WE ARE TOLD.

The Mother Wound is a result of the rupture of our connection with the Mother:

the Divine Mother

Mother Earth

and our birth Mother.

It runs very deep.

The Mother Wound has far-reaching repercussions. It creates within women feelings of lack, chronic fear, of not-enoughness, anger, depression, feelings that there is something wrong with us, patterns of self-sabotage, perfectionism, people-pleasing, chronic stress and worry, relationship issues, boundary issues (trouble saying no), trust issues, a tendency to not speak up, to hide feelings and squelch your own dreams, therefore settling for scraps. It makes us give ourselves away. These feelings get passed down, mother to daughter, generation after generation. Essentially it stunts our growth and stunts our potential. It keeps us small and if we allow it, it will keep us locked into a childlike way of being that cuts us off from our essence and our highest potential.

Are you tired of working on your own to overcome your fears so that you can stand in your power?

  • The fears of standing up, taking up space, using your voice, allowing yourself to be seen, making the best choices for your life, and having the courage to do what you know you came here to do?

  • Are you looking for a deeper level of inner safety, empowerment, and embodiment that always seems to be just out of your reach, no matter how much inner work you do?

  • Are you sick of settling for less than you really want?

    I know from personal experience what a hard place this is to inhabit, and I know that you deserve more…much more. Beginning the work of reclaiming your feminine power by healing the mother wound is the first step to taking ownership of your life and your destiny.

Thankfully there is a silver lining - this core wounding can be transformed. We can heal the painful patterns and make more empowered choices that serve us and help us to expand past this fearful, constricted state.

How? The primary work of transforming the mother wound is in becoming our own loving mother and of learning what it means to truly practice self-love...when we do this work, we repattern our core wounding and step into a new, more embodied, and soul-aligned part of ourselves.

The primary role of a mother is to be unconditionally loving, supportive, compassionate, deeply present, understanding, and accepting, offering guidance through her example and teaching us how to live as empowered women in the world, making choices that support us, taking responsibility for those things we can control, and accepting what we cannot, monitoring how we speak to ourselves, how we respond to others and to life, keeping our attitude about ourselves and life as positive as possible without being too rigid, setting goals for our lives and holding ourselves to a certain standard that is fitting to what we deserve and desire for our lives...and making choices along the way that support us, support and nurture our growth, our well-being and the fulfillment of our goals and aspirations.


Ruptured, severed, and seemingly destroyed was the connection with mother.
Which one first, I’m not sure…
My connection with Mother Earth,
the human mother who carried me for nine months in her womb
and gave birth to me,
or my own inner mother,
only just a seed of potential until now?

I was ripped away, torn away from her womb.
Violently and suddenly separated.
From the warmth, coziness,
and safety of her womb and loving embrace
to the freezing cold void.

Alone, isolated, afraid,
and without support.
Never will I be so warm again, or so I thought.
Until I re-birthed myself.

I was screaming, crying for mother,
Searching everywhere for her…
Mama, come, save me, hold me, make me feel safe.
Why don’t you love me?
Why have you abandoned me?
Why won’t you save me
Please love me, mama
Please love me.

Then, the small, quiet voice deep within my own womb said,
“I’m here…I’m mama.
I’M THE MAMA and have always been here, within you.”
I AM mama, and I am YOU.

I pushed, bore down, re-birthing myself from the blackness
of the void where I felt so alone, so separate, so afraid,
“It is safe to LIVE, dear one, safe in this body.
It is safe to be YOU.”
You are safe in this breath.
Safe in this Body.

I am here, mama is here.
Breathe, breathe into this moment, into this body, into this life.
Come ALIVE, my love.
FEEL yourself.
Feel the power of your animal body,
Feel your whole being awaken.
ROAR with the power of aliveness…
I claim it Now!

Mama is here. I AM MAMA,
and nothing can ever tear us apart.
I AM mama, the divine, the source, I am compassion embodied,
and I am here, my love.

I am the truth of your essence.
Mama is here with you, now and forever.

Ruptured, severed, and seemingly destroyed
was the connection with mother.
Which one first, I’m not sure…
My connection with mother Earth,
the human mother who carried me for nine months in her own womb
and gave birth to me,
or my own inner mother,
only just a seed of potential until now?

Alone, isolated, afraid,
and without support.
Never will I be so safe again, or so I thought.
Until I re-birthed myself.


Please note that this work is not therapy, nor it is a substitute for therapy. If you are struggling mentally and emotionally, are feeling suicidal, or have issues with addiction, please reach out to a qualified therapist. This work is coaching work and is meant for those who are in a steady place in their lives and are ready to move to the next level of growth and empowerment.

The Re-Mothering Process will be held online in a small group container for a small group of women over 12 weeks.

Included: one class per week, private community space, PDF workbooks, and healing circles for connection and integration

  1. Understanding how this core wounding affects you and who you are beyond the pain

  2. Knowing that what happened to you is not your fault

  3. Seeing your mother for who she is vs. who you wish she was able to be

  4. Understand that it is not your job to save or fix your mother (healing parentification and enmeshment)

  5. Allow yourself to grieve for what happened and what did not happen

  6. Get to know yourself and your needs

  7. Develop healthy self-soothing skills and stop looking outside of yourself for a surrogate mother to save you

  8. Practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness

  9. Cultivating healthy boundaries with others and spending time with others who are emotionally available

  10. Seek outside support when you need it, and stay out of self-isolation

“This woman changed my life. If you are ready to do some REAL work on yourself and lead a healthy life then she’s the person to go to. With truth as the guiding force, Kara provided me with tools to help deal with extreme anxiety. With a rough upbringing, I have sought counseling throughout my life which is probably upwards of over 20 practitioners and I have to say her approach has been the most successful out of them all.”

Amber M.

“I've been working with Kara for more than 6 years, and have experienced consistent healing of deep and long-standing emotional issues. Kara has excellent training, well-developed counseling and coaching skills, and deep empathic and intuitive insights. The combination results in effective, compassionate coaching that facilitates healing and personal growth. I recommend her services to anyone serious about their emotional healing and growth.”

Shirley B.

“My experience with Kara has been richly rewarding. She is a loving and gifted spiritual teacher and guide. She is perceptive and insightful and has helped me discover practical tools for me to use along my journey, like the concept of learning to accept and love aspects of myself that I am less than pleasant. Kara has introduced me to my spirit guides whom I am able to call upon in difficult situations. I have learned so much from this lovely lady that I can’t even put it into words. I am grateful for Kara and highly recommend her to consult for any of life’s challenges.”

Elizabeth M.