Gaia Sophia School of Healing

A mystery school of deep healing, remembering your divinity, reclaiming your higher self-healing abilities, and connection with the Earth.

“Healers are spiritual warriors who have found the courage to defeat the darkness of their souls. Awakening and rising from the depths of their deepest fears, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Reborn with a wisdom and strength that creates a light that shines bright enough to help, encourage, and inspire others out of their own darkness.”

— Melanie Koulouris

Gaia is our Mother Earth. Sophia is wisdom and the feminine face of God.

Gaia Sophia School of Healing provides a path of personal healing, transformation, and self-mastery for women.

We are living during a pivotal time when outdated structures and ways of life are collapsing. The way we have been living is not sustainable. As with all times of destruction, there is massive fear, pain, and conflict on our planet during this time, and it is extremely polarizing. We cannot go on living the way we have been…we need to gather together to heal and create a new, more sustainable way of life for humans, animals, and the Earth.

At this time, our work is preparing us to be leaders of the New Earth, and much of this work is the work of healing personal, ancestral, and collective trauma. As we heal our trauma, we become available for true connection, belonging, and soul-aligned purpose. As we heal the rifts within ourselves, we heal the outer rifts. As within, so without.

Trauma comes in varying degrees from many sources…personal trauma, intergenerational trauma, and collective trauma.

Trauma comes from our families of origin through childhood abuse and neglect, from our adult relationships, communities, institutions, culture, bigotry, and misogyny, and collectively from living in a capitalist culture that cares nothing for the earth beyond what can be taken from it for personal gain. On a planetary level, we feel the pain of the blatant disregard for the Earth, nature, and animals in our bodies. 

Trauma and abuse create a split between us and our innate power… it cuts us off from who we truly are and who we came here to be. It severs the tie. Trauma suppresses our innate instincts, intuition, and connection, and makes us fearful, isolated, and in exile from our own nature, from others, and from life itself. The result? More trauma, more fear, anxiety, depression...trusting the wrong people, habits of numbing and disconnection from our intuition and our creative fire...a loss of all of the natural instincts that would keep us happy and safe. As a result, we compromise, we settle, we shrink, we hide, we compensate, and we die a slow death of the soul from not honoring ourselves and standing in our authentic power.

Gaia Sophia School of Healing bridges the mystical and the mundane, science and spirituality for a grounded approach to healing and spiritual growth. We offer a form of spiritual alchemy, the practice of inner transformation and change on the deepest level. Spiritual alchemy includes the somatic, the intuitive, the archetypal, the cyclical, the mystical, the creative, the mythical, the spiritual, the energetic, and the shamanic, making it a truly holistic path of healing, transformation, and empowerment. Spiritual alchemy is the transmutation of fear and pain into the ‘‘gold’’ of embodied wisdom and the shamanic power of the healer who has healed themselves.

You Are the Medicine the world needs most.

Does any of this sound like you?

You have a vision for your life and work and are dedicated to healing and spiritual growth.

You are on a mission to embody love in all that you do.

You are ready to engage deeply with healing your life and relationships.

You are ready to step into self-leadership so you can embody your authentic power.

“A great deal of healing arises from a wounded self. The sympathetic and empathetic self creates profound healing. When we courageously explore our own pain, we become more insightful, more ego-contained, more awake to the essential qualities of the healer. The wound becomes our gift.”

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes

The pain caused by our greatest wounds leads us on the journey back to our true selves and our deepest power. The work we engage in to heal our fragmented selves opens the door to the archetypal, the magical, the transpersonal, the mythological, the intuitive, the creative, and the shamanic. The doorway of our pain is a direct route to our power, our wisdom, our authenticity, and our power as healers.

In truth, we are not broken, nor can we be in the most important way. We are indestructible in the ways that matter, and yet, we can certainly feel as if we are broken, and our fragile psyches can become fragmented. While our society may view this as a fundamental and even unhealable flaw, it is in a very real way necessary for the process of individuation to occur, for who, without a sound reason such as untenable pain would set out on an adventure such as this where we encounter and must slay our dragons?

what is the work that must be done to heal the wounded self and to become the hero of our own story?

The path of the healer is an initiatory path of reclaiming our sense of internal safety, agency, a deep connection to ourselves and life, and our authenticity and power.

This is not a linear path.

The healing process is a spiral, and as we move along the spiral, we move closer and closer to the core of who we are. During this journey, we pass many times through the same issues again and again, more deeply each time, finding a greater sense of peace, acceptance, and a new relationship with ourselves and our lives as we go along.

Your wounding is not who you are…any identity of woundedness is not your true self. Instead, your true self is boundless and lies beyond any pain and suffering you have experienced in life. Instead, your wounding is a portal to your deepest self, and as you work with that pain, you gain more access to your sacred essence and to the unique soul medicine that only you can offer the world.

These are steps that we continue to take along the spiral. While the healing journey itself will likely be complete at some point, we continue to walk the spiral and take the steps as a type of medicine that helps us to deepen and expand our connection to our soul’s highest expression in this life.

This is the essence of the spiritual path.

The Path of the Healer is a path of shifting from surviving to thriving on every level….physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically, and offering who we are to the healing of others and to the world.

We do this through…

Building a new Foundation - creating an inner sense of safety, self-attunement, capacity, tolerance for intense emotions, stability (grounding), spaciousness - the space to feel, space to be exactly where you are that allows you to meet life exactly as it is

Healing and Integration - being compassionately witnessed and supported, grieving, remembering, feeling the feelings that were not safe to be felt before now, healing thwarted survival impulses that were blocked, replacing maladaptive coping mechanisms with healthy ones, retrieving disconnected and burdened parts of the self, cultivating a loving relationship with yourself and your intimates

Rebirth - integration, authenticity, agency, aliveness, expansion, inner union, embodiment, creativity, healthy relationships, belonging, purpose, fulfillment, embodiment of the true self and inner wisdom

Thriving and leadership - going back out into the world in a new way and sharing your unique soul medicine with others

Upcoming Gaia Sophia School of Healing Offerings

Why should you choose me to be your mentor and guide?

I have spent the last 30-plus years on my own personal path of healing and spiritual transformation following growing up in abuse and neglect. I am a CPTSD warrior and sober woman. From very early on, I never felt like others…I believed that something was terribly wrong with me and that I was inherently flawed and bad. As a result, I spent decades in patterns of self-hatred, self-blame, self-sabotage, addiction, and toxic relationships. I pulled myself out of hell many times over and I did it on my own, without a mentor, guide, or any loving family.

I have been studying my craft since 2001 and am a Certified hypnotherapist in the spiritual counseling practice of Depth Hypnosis, certified trauma recovery coach, holistic health practitioner, shamanic healer, somatic healer, energy medicine practitioner, and Reiki Master teacher. I bring my 23 years of working with others and my 30+ years of personal healing as well as wisdom from my 52 years of life to my work with others. I am a wounded healer and I walk the path alongside you.

It took me decades to piece together a path of healing and transformation that works. Today, I share that path of healing and self-mastery with you so that you too can live your life authentically and powerfully and help those you are here to serve. We are in this together.