Deep Roots

My true family
Lies in nature.

The star beings,
Are my brothers and sisters,
Grandmother moon,
My guide,
Father sun
Illuminates my path,
Mother earth cradles me in her arms
When I am grieving.

The trees are my lifelong companions,
They teach me
How to live,
How to remain rooted
Even as the winds of change
Threaten to knock me down
And destroy me.
They remind me of my strength
To persevere 
In the face of great adversity.

I listen
And I drop roots 
Down deep into the Earth,
Drawing sustenance
And strength
With each breath.

Here, in my connection 
To nature,
I find my true brethren,
My clan,
And myself.

My true family
Lies in nature.


It Didn’t Start With You


Death Is A Part of Life