Roller Coaster Ride

In so many ways, life is like a roller coaster.

The ups and downs, 

Not knowing what is around the bend.

Thrills and chills, 

And too some spills. 


Unlike a roller coaster ride, 

Which is predictable once you’ve ridden,

Real life is not as such.

No, we cannot possibly predict

What awaits us around each turn, 

Nor should we, for it would ruin the thrill of the ride.

Isn’t that the whole point, after all?

To not know what adventure awaits us next…

Why should life be any different?

For what reason do we not eagerly look forward

To all that life brings us in each moment,

And trust that we are safe

In the same way we do on an amusement park ride?

Control, it must be about control.

We insist on knowing what will happen.

We insist on knowing that we are to be safe.

That no calamity will befall us, 

That No darkness will descend upon our house.

No destruction sweeping away all that we hold dear.

And so we hold on for dear life, and we hold on too tight, 

Strangling the life out of our life.

In so many ways, life is like a roller coaster.

The ups and downs, 

Not knowing what is around the bend.

Thrills and chills, 

And surely some spills. 


Unlike a roller coaster ride, 

Which is predictable once you’ve ridden,

Real life is not as such.

No, we cannot possibly predict

What awaits us around each turn, 

Nor should we, for it would ruin the thrill of the ride.


Survivor’s Guilt


Now I Save Myself