The Stream

There is a stream, a sacred stream of life.
We are part of this stream,
And it is a part of us.
The stream supports and sustains us
Throughout our lives.

When we trust in the natural flow of life, 
And relax into the stream,
Allowing it to support us,
We float along 
And our lives become calm and peaceful.

When we mistrust the stream, 
And fight the current
And where life is taking us,
Or resist our experiences along the way,
We get caught, 
And begin to drown.

In order to remain afloat,
And sustained by the stream,
We must open to life as it is in each moment,
Trusting in the flow of our existence
Without resistance to what we encounter along the way.

We must learn to allow ourselves to be carried 
By the stream of life.
The sacred stream that is a part of us,
The stream that supports us and sustains us
Throughout our lives.


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