Trust In Your Breath

Our bodies are Home, and as trauma survivors, they have not felt safe to us in the past, but that can change. When we begin to feel safe in our bodies, we can, in turn, learn to trust life. We can begin to learn safety in our own bodies by trusting in their natural rhythms...

Starting with our breath.
in and out,
the expansion and contraction
of our lungs, as we breathe,
knowing that when we
take a breath,
that it will naturally be released,
without any effort or struggle on our part.

We Trust This Already.

Our breath follows a natural rhythm that is found in every aspect of nature and and out, expand and contract, ebb and flow, outward movement, inward rest. These are the rhythms of our bodies and of nature, and they are predictable. We can trust them.


In Nature


Nothing Is Ever Truly Lost