
It can be scary to create boundaries with others.
Do it anyway. You are safe.
It can be scary to adhere to your boundaries with others.
Do it anyway. You are safe.
It can be scary to stop people-pleasing & placating.
Do it anyway. You are safe.
Having solid boundaries can trigger fear of abandonment.
Do it anyway. You are safe.
Not compromising on your boundaries empowers you.
You can do it. You are safe.
Standing up for what is right for you empowers you.
You can do it. You are safe.
You only stand to lose people & situations that are not right for you when you adhere to your boundaries.
You can do it. You are safe.
This is how you find your true power. Do what is right for you despite the fear.
You are not alone. We are in this together.


Managing Feelings of Fear


Stop Settling For Scraps