It is important to see others for who they are

without the blindfold of denial, wishful thinking, and idealization.

Someone's potential is not who they are.

Who we want or need them to be is not who they are.

Someone's good traits are not all of who they are.

Everyone has darkness, light, and shades of gray.

Nobody deserves to be put on a pedestal.

This is especially tricky if we are desperate

for love and connection.

If we are desperate,

we may take anyone who comes along,

and we may find ourselves actively denying

or making excuses for their faults and less-than-savory traits.

To keep ourselves safe from harm,

we must be willing to see the truth

of who someone is instead of only seeing what we want to see.

"Love is blind" closes our eyes and wisdom keeps them wide open.




Healing The Mother Wound