Finding Safety Within

Until we feel a deep sense of safety within our own bodies, 

We will continue to view ourselves as lacking in some fundamental way.

This sense of ‘not-enoughness’ becomes the lens 

through which we view everything in our lives, 

resulting in a chronic fear of not having enough of what we need,

including connection, love, resources, time, and money.

This sense of not-enoughness is, in large part, 

the result of a burdened nervous system 

that has little capacity or ability to tolerate the challenges in life.

Such a nervous system constantly flips between 

hyperarousal and hypoarousal, 

or anxious and depressed states, 

with limited access to calm relaxation, peace, and true rest.

Until we feel a deep sense of safety within our own bodies

through nervous system regulation,

we will continue to view ourselves as lacking in some fundamental way,

and we will view other people as being judgmental and untrustworthy,

life as being unsupportive of our desires and needs,

and the world as a dangerous, cold, and unwelcoming place.

This polarized and limited view of ourselves and others

keeps us stuck in a space of chronic isolation 

and fear where life energy and creative problem-solving cannot possibly flow.

The solution and the path of true healing and empowerment 

start when we begin to find a sense of grounded safety within our own bodies.

From there, anything is possible.


A Safe Space For Myself


Spiritual Awakening