Hail Hecate, Queen Of The Night

Hail Hecate, 

Queen of the Night, 

Keeper of the Keys, 

She who sees beyond the veil,

She who knows what is hidden to most…

The past, the present, and the future, 

The underneath, and what lies in shadow. 

Light the way, 

And shine your torch so that I may see

The path laid out before me.

Guide me through the crossroads of life.

Show me the way that leads to 

the fulfillment of my soul.

Teach me to let go and move on

When the time is right,

Releasing all that no longer serves me,

that which binds me to the past 

and to less evolved versions of myself.

Shine your torch when the night is darkest,

When my vision and courage are obscured

Showing me the way

That will lead me to the depths of life, 

Helping me to embody the powers and wisdom 

Of the crone.

Hail Hecate, 

Queen of the Night, 

Keeper of the Keys, 

She who sees beyond the veil,

She who knows what is hidden to most…

The past, the present, and the future, 

The underneath, and what lies in shadow.


She Took Her Power Back


Coming Back To Life