She Took Her Power Back

She finally woke up,

and she took her power back.

She finally got that 

other people did not need to understand her,

they did not need to support her,

love or care about her,

or be friends with her at all. 

She finally learned to turn toward

the wounded inner child 

that was starving for love and connection, 

for a sense of home and belonging,

and she learned to meet her own needs, 

giving herself the love that she deserved.

She learned to face her fear of not-enoughness

that stemmed from the lack of love, care,

and nurturing from her mother,

the incredibly painful core wounding 

that she would carry for so long, 

the wound that would not heal,

the one that left her longing,


the wound that left her grasping,

over and over again 

for empathy and caring from those

who could never care or begin to love her

in the way that she deserved to be loved. 

She finally learned to turn toward 

the wounded inner child

that was starving for love and connection,

for a sense of home and belonging,

and she learned to meet her own needs,

giving herself the love that she deserved.

She finally woke up, 

and she took her power back.


In Order To Be Loved


Hail Hecate, Queen Of The Night