In Order To Be Loved

In order to be loved,

I had to shrink,

I had to erase myself, and

I had to make myself invisible.

In order to be loved, 

I put my true self to sleep

In favor of your preferences 

Of who you wanted me to be,

Molding myself,

Shaping myself,

Morphing and

Shapeshifting into the form

That I believed would allow me

To receive the most love.

The real me was gone,



And I became a shell, a puppet

Of your ideas of me,

Just to please you,

Hoping that you would love me,

And you still did not.

That time is past.

Now I stand firmly

In the authentic expression

Of my true power.

Now that I choose to embody myself fully,

Your opinion no longer matters 

More than my own.

Like it or not,

This is the true me.

This is my Resurrection.


You Are Not In Charge


She Took Her Power Back