Happily Ever After Does Not Exist

Happily ever after does not exist,

Not in the way I wanted to believe,

The way they tell us in fairytales.

Happily ever after is found in accepting life, just as it is.


I wanted my way.

I wanted to believe that I could be perfect,

That life could somehow go just the way I wanted,

That my life would someday be free from pain and loss.


This is the tempting trap of magical thinking, 

The false land of rainbows and unicorns.

Magical thinking and happily ever after is a lie,

At least the way they tell us in fairytales.


My belief in this kind of happily ever after kept me from truly living.

It kept me on the run, trying to escape

The most challenging parts of being human,

Running from the parts of life that I needed

In order to become the woman that I was meant to be.


Now I know that happily ever after means accepting life just as it is,

Not wanting it to be different.

Not seeking perfectionism and an escape from pain and loss.

Happily ever after is right here, 

In my acceptance of whatever is happening now,

Even if it is painful. 

Even if it rips me apart.


Happily ever after does not exist,

Not in the way I wanted to believe,

The way they tell us in fairytales.

Happily ever after is found in accepting life, just as it is.


Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing


Angel Wings