
Self-forgiveness is a crucial part of the healing path. 

To fully heal and reclaim our power,

we must find a way to forgive ourselves 

for not knowing what we didn’t know 

all of the times that we made choices 

that were in some way harmful to us.

In choosing forgiveness, we recognize

that we have always done the best we could 

with the knowledge, the level of awareness, 

and capacity for self-love that we had at the time. 

Healing Mantra

I forgive myself for all of the times that I betrayed myself.

I forgive myself for all of the times

that I ignored my feelings, intuition, and deepest desires.

I forgive myself for all of the times 

that I ignored the needs of my body and mind

and then got angry at my body for responding with illness.

I forgive myself for all of the times 

that I compromised what I truly wanted

and for all of the ways that I settled for less 

than I knew I deserved.

I forgive myself for all of the ways 

that I abandoned myself

by putting the opinions, feelings, and needs

of others before my own. 

I forgive myself for all of the times 

that I turned my back on what I knew in my heart was true,

and I forgive myself for all of the times I gave my power away. 

I forgive myself for being human, 

and not knowing everything, 

and when I do, 

I see that there is truly nothing to forgive.


Spiritual Awakening

