Idealism can be an addiction just like any other addiction, 

and it can even fuel our other addictions 

when our dreams don’t come to fruition. 

So much of the time in childhood, 

we had to become visionaries of another, 

better world than the one we were living in…

it may have been the only way we could survive 

the abusive or neglectful situations we were born into

with our psyches intact. 

As well as this coping mechanism may have helped us as children,

this kind of head-in-the-clouds, magical thinking 

becomes a serious hindrance when we enter adulthood, 

especially as we get older.

Unless we take the time to examine our outdated belief systems,

we may be in for a rude awakening when, 

through some painful or dramatic circumstances,  

life forces us to wake up to the truth that the world 

will not magically change to fulfill our visions. 

This is where our real work begins. 



