
Part of healing is learning 

to accept that pain is a part of life.

As we heal, 

we see that when we resist, 

deny, or attempt to escape the fiery intensity of pain, 

we create even more suffering for ourselves.

When we stop resisting the pain and struggles

that show up in our lives, 

we develop a greater capacity

to tolerate pain without allowing it 

to overwhelm us,

and through this, we learn that we can handle a lot more 

than we may have previously believed we could. 

As we continue to evolve and awaken,

we may even start to view pain and struggle

as a vital part of our spiritual growth.

We wake up to the fact that each challenge offers us yet another opportunity 

to expand our capacity, which in turn, allows us to experience 

more life, more love, and more joy in our lives. 

This recognition helps us to respect 

and honor our pain as a tool of awakening, 

and we welcome it with open arms.




The Wounded Healer