Love Is The Grounding Force

Love is the grounding force.

When fear rears its head

and attempts to dominate my mind,

I return to thoughts of love.

I gently bring my mind back

to the most simple things in life that I appreciate,

To the little, and yet profound things that bring me joy…

The morning sunlight streaming through my window,

The sound of the chirping birds outside,

The pitter-patter of my dog’s paws on the hardwood floor,

The heat of my husband’s breath on my cheek.

When I am centered in love, there is nothing to prove,

there is nothing to make up for, and there is nothing to acquire.

When I remain centered in love,

I see clearly that my life is enough.

When I am centered in love, I see clearly that I am enough.

When I am centered in love, there is nothing I cannot do.

Love is the grounding force

That returns me to my power.


The Sapling


The Power Of Love