
Ruptured, severed, and seemingly destroyed was the connection with mother.

Which one first, I'm not sure…

My connection with Mother Earth, 

the human mother who carried me for nine months in her womb and gave birth to me, 

or my own inner mother, 

only just a seed of potential until now?

I was ripped away, torn away from her womb.

Violently and suddenly separated. 

From the warmth, coziness, 

and safety of her womb and loving embrace 

to the freezing cold void.

Alone, isolated, afraid, 

and without support. 

Never will I be so warm again, or so I thought. 

Until I re-birthed myself.

I was screaming, crying for mother,

Searching everywhere for her…

Mama, come, save me, hold me, make me feel safe. 

Why don’t you love me?

Why have you abandoned me?

Why won’t you save me

Please love me, mama

Please love me.

Then, the small, quiet voice deep within my own womb said,

“I’m here…I’m mama.

I’M THE MAMA and have always been here, within you.”

I AM mama, and I am YOU.

I pushed, bore down, re-birthing myself from the blackness 

of the void where I felt so alone, so separate, so afraid,

“It is safe to LIVE, dear one, safe in this body.

It is safe to be YOU.” 

You are safe in this breath.

Safe in this Body.

I am here, mama is here.

Breathe, breathe into this moment, into this body, into this life. 

Come ALIVE, my love.

FEEL yourself. 

Feel the power of your animal body, 

Feel your whole being awaken.

ROAR with the power of aliveness…


I claim it Now!

Mama is here. I AM MAMA, 

and nothing can ever tear us apart. 

I AM mama, the divine, the source, I am compassion embodied, 

and I am here, my love.

I am the truth of your essence.

Mama is here with you, now and forever. 

Ruptured, severed, and seemingly destroyed was the connection with mother.

Which one first, I'm not sure…

My connection with mother Earth, 

the human mother who carried me for nine months in her own womb and gave birth to me, 

or my own inner mother, 

only just a seed of potential until now?

Alone, isolated, afraid, 

and without support. 

Never will I be so safe again, or so I thought. 

Until I re-birthed myself.


The Return of the Light


The Polarity of Opposites