


with no way out,

Wandering aimlessly in a vast desert land 

Of no-thingness…

Exiled from any kind of love or care,

Trying to find my way out, 

To another place, 

To some better place,

To any place with room for me,

To a place with enough love for me,

But there is no other place,

And escape is not possible…

There is no escape.

I wandered in the vast desert wasteland

of my own being, 

Arid, bleak, and cold, devoid of life, 

deafening in its silence and emptiness

From lack of love and nourishment.

When I got tired enough

I finally stopped running,

And trying to escape.

I turned to face the fear and deadness inside,

And I filled all of the empty spaces

With my own love.

When I did, 

lush, abundant gardens appeared 

where before there had been nothing.

Life flourished as if it had been there all along, 

Just waiting to be my home.


The Voice Of Shame


Not Enough