The Mother of Us All

The mother is all around us. 

She lives within us.

She is the air that we breathe, 

The earth that we walk upon, 

The light of the sun that warms us.

When we breathe, she breathes. 

Our body is her body, and her body our own. 

When we hurt, she cries. 

When she is ravaged, 

We feel her pain. 

She holds us in her womb,

She never lets us go. 

She offers us everything we need

Grounding, safety, and nourishment.

She invites us to drop our roots down deep into her core

To take what will sustain us.

If we are willing to offer it to her,

She takes from us that which drains and disempowers us.

She composts it all, making it into something new and beautiful.

Nothing is wasted.

She is mother nature, our Mama Gaia. 

She holds us in her warm embrace. 

She comforts us with her autumn breeze.

Her waters carry us.

She nourishes us, providing for us from her womb.

Sunlight, food, air, and water, and ground to walk upon.

She only asks that we trust and open to her, 

Allowing ourselves to receive the support 

That she so lovingly offers,

Entrusting her with the life that she has given us.

We fall into her embrace and we open,

Looking only to the source...the source of our life.

The womb of the great mother,

The mother who lives within us all.


Wolf Moon


You Are the Source