
May I be blessed with Grace.

May I be willing to open to all facets of this human experience,

And may I have the ability to welcome

Those aspects of myself that have felt most unwelcome…

The parts of myself that hold the most pain,

The parts that feel shunned by myself and by others,

The parts that never see the light of day…

May I learn to unconditionally Love

All the ones that feel so unwelcome 

and undeserving of love. 

May I be courageous enough to choose Love

Over and over again

When I am faced with hatred and fear,

Both within and without. 

May I be a beacon of light and Love

For all those who suffer in similar ways,

And may I provide shelter

For my sisters who carry the pain

Of feeling unloved and uncared for

In their hearts.

And so it is. 


Coming Back To Life


The Return of the Light