The Queen of Our Own Lives

Idealism and fantasy go hand-in-hand.

In both,

we deny hard, cold reality

for something soft and sweet to land on,

but just like candy that promises brief enjoyment,

fantasy can kill us on the deepest level if we don't keep it in check.

As little girls,

we were taught through fairy tales

that we needed a prince

or a knight in shining armor to save us,

and that without him we were powerless.

We dreamt of the day the prince

would come to rescue us from our pain,

whisking us off to some faraway land

of peace, harmony, and abundance

where we would never have to worry or fear again.

We put him on a pedestal,

projecting onto him all the things

that we wanted him to be,

perhaps all the things

that our daddy never could be.

We created a false fantasy idealized image

of him that may not have included

anything of who he truly was.

We didn’t realize of course

that one day we would be

in for a rude awakening…

that he would fall off that pedestal,

and fall off hard.

When he did,

we awakened to the fact that

not only was he not who we

so desperately wanted and needed him to be,

but that he was the exact opposite…

a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

There was a good reason

that he was more than ready to whisk us,

the damsel in distress off to his lair to “save” us…

his true desire on some level

was to imprison us and keep us as his possession.

We see that we lost ourselves completely

and that we lost our power

by thinking that we had none to begin with.

We gave our power over

to someone else to “take care of us”

not realizing that we were giving away

our most precious asset…our sovereignty.

It can be terrifying

when we wake up to the truth

of how we have disempowered

and victimized ourselves,

but this is a true moment

of awakening and liberation.

At this moment,

we begin the process

of calling all of our power back to ourselves.

As we do this, we destroy the pedestal

so that we never put anyone above us again,

and we take the throne as the Queen of our own lives.

As the Queen of our own domain,

we learn to live with our eyes wide open,

with radical self-honesty,

and in alignment with our true,

authentic power.

Now we see that the only one

who could have ever saved us

is ourselves and we become the rulers of our own lives.


Bridging Heaven and Earth


For Love or Money