For Love or Money

There are two places in our lives where we can see how we are cycling our life energy and where we may lose power the most: through our relationship with love and our relationship with money.

These two areas of our lives are linked to survival and our first chakra. Our first chakra holds all of the issues connected to safety, rootedness, family of origin, trauma, attachment wounding, belonging, and getting our needs met, to name a few.

We are wired for connection with other people, and we need money to survive so these places can trigger our survival energy in major ways.

If we are in a space where we live in chronic fear as a result of unhealed trauma, attachment wounding, or feeling unsafe in our bodies and lives for some other reason, we likely will feel some sense of desperation. We will settle for whatever comes along for fear of never getting anything at all. When we are in a space of fear and desperation, we will make choices that we would never make if we felt safe, strong, and resourced.

If we are operating from a space of fear regarding love, we may settle for less than we truly want and deserve in partners and even friends. We may choose people who are not emotionally available, who are toxic, abusive, manipulative, selfish, or uncaring in other ways. Typically interactions with these people will trigger our core sense of unworthiness and toxic shame. The more we allow people into our lives who are not worthy of us, the worse we may feel about ourselves, and the cycle continues.

If we are operating from a space of fear regarding money, we may settle for jobs that do not serve us well, or we may even find ourselves in jobs we hate. We may feel so desperate that we compromise our sense of well-being just to make money, doing things that make us feel worse about who we are. The more we do this, the more our sense of well-being and self are eroded.

This kind of power loss can be corrected. The task is to heal our core wounding and come into a feeling of safety in our own bodies. As we do this, we are better able to make choices that are aligned with who we are and who we are becoming.

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