Do What You Want To Do

Do what you want to do.

You might as well.

You will not please everyone,

You cannot save anyone,

And most do not want to be saved anyway.

It is time to save yourself.


In the process of trying to please them and save them, 

You will surely destroy yourself.

All for nothing.

Your best efforts will go unappreciated, unnoticed,

And even pushed away.


This is the best way to remain a victim,

And to assure that your needs never, ever get met.

You will surely destroy yourself.

This is guaranteed.

So stop, please stop it.

Choose yourself, save yourself,

Before it is too late.


It only feels like you have to save them to stay safe.

This is your abandonment wounding telling you lies,

It is not the truth.

It is the biggest lie there is,

The lie that controls you, and steals your life from you,

It steals every breath you take.

It steals your health, your well-being, and your creative fire.

It steals your life from you.


Do what you want to do.

You might as well.

You will not please everyone,

You cannot save anyone,

And most do not want to be saved anyway. 

It is time to save yourself.


Poor Kara Has Left The Building


Pain Is the Best Teacher