Poor Kara Has Left The Building

Poor Kara has left the building.

Don’t call on her anymore. 

That was never an accurate or fair thing to call her, 

And yet, you said it more than once, 

More than a few times.


She is a survivor, a warrior.

Your unfair judgment of she who has been to hell and back,

And survived,

Says more about you.

Could you have done the same as well?

I think not. 

What she lived through might just have destroyed you.


Do not judge another until you walk in their shoes. 

You don’t know the weight of the cross to bear that another carries, 

How heavy and cumbersome.

How much they struggle to just live through another day,

And some do not make it.

Some succumb to the ravages of life, 

It happens every day.

No, never judge another until you have walked miles in their shoes. 

You may not have done as well if you were faced with the same challenges.

Tread lightly, and gently.

Your words carry weight.

Poor Kara has left the building.

Don’t call on her anymore. 


You Are the Source


Do What You Want To Do