Healing Self-Sabotage

"The world is not to be put in order; the world is in order. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this order."

Henry Miller

Self-sabotage is something

that we all struggle with from time to time,

especially if we have unhealed trauma.

The first order of healing,

whether it be self-healing

or doing healing work with others,

is to do no harm.

Doing no harm is the foundation

for self-healing and self-love.

Without it,

we remain in patterns of toxic

self-talk, toxic relationships,

bad situations, addictions,

and all kinds of things

that poison our bodies,


and spirits.

If we are to have any chance to heal,

grow, and achieve self-mastery

so that we can be who we were meant to be,

we have to do the hard

and scary work of letting go.

We must be willing to

take stock of our lives over and over,

ridding ourselves of all of the people,

places, things, and situations

that keep us tied

to confusion, self-loathing,

and fear.

This means saying no to things we want,

and yes to things we don't want so we can be free.

This is the path of self-love.

If we are not sure what these things are,

we can ask ourselves,

"If I loved myself completely,

what would I do right now?"

This question can serve

as our north star,

guiding us to alignment

with who we truly are,

and what we truly deserve in our lives.

With love as the guiding force, we find our way home.


The Body of the Earth


Your Power Lies Within You