Your Power Lies Within You

Trauma happens when something is too much, too fast, too soon, too hurtful, or too little for too long.

The thing about our culture in the West is that it automatically creates trauma, with our highly individualized way of life that centers around consumerism and consumption instead of connection. Humans, animals, nature, and the Earth herself are viewed and treated as commodities instead of being respected and honored, and we feel this in our bodies, minds, and hearts every day.

Most of us have lost connection to our indigenous and ancestral roots, and ways of living that are connective, supportive, generative, and based on love, and growth - ways of living that foster well-being and aliveness. Instead, we live separate lives, disconnected from any true sense of community, support, and belonging, we are taught that god/the divine lies outside of us, that nature is separate from us, and that we must behave ourselves and comply if we are to avoid punishment by a judging god.

We are taught that we have no power, instead, any power we have must be worked for in the outer world through the acquisition of approval, money, status, and material possessions. This way of life keeps us always striving to "get ahead" so that we can hopefully, someday, prove our worthiness. It is a never-ending hamster wheel that only exhausts us and leaves us unfulfilled and wondering what is wrong with us, instead of asking the REAL question "What is wrong with this system we live in?"

There is nothing wrong with you...🌟

As a result of this limited way of life, we live with a constant undercurrent of anxiety and a lack of true fulfillment. We know on a certain level that something is deeply wrong, but we believe that "something wrong" lies within us instead of the environment we live in. We are living in a broken system, plain and simple. Because of this, we all experience personal trauma, collective trauma, and ancestral trauma.

For those of us who grew up in childhood abuse and neglect, our trauma is even more acute. We have a deep and direct lived experience of chronic feelings of isolation, abandonment, despair, helplessness, and chronic fear. It is a terrible way to live, where we only survive, and sometimes barely.

us and others, the rifts between us and the divine, and the rifts between us and the Earth. We can heal. We can find a new way of living that is in alignment with who we truly are...a way of life that reconnects us to life itself. This is our birthright, and we must heal...for ourselves, our families, our ancestors, our descendants, our communities, and for the Earth herself.

This is where Shamanism comes in. Shamanism is an ancient Earth-based spiritual practice, philosophy, healing path, and way of life. Shamanism connects us directly to ourselves, our power, nature, the divine, and to the Earth. Shamanism connects us to the authentic power that lies within ourselves.

In Shamanism, we learn to live in "right relationship" with ourselves, others, our communities, nature, and life itself. We learn a way of living that works. We learn to accept personal responsibility for our lives, our choices, and for everything we do. In this way, we reconnect with our power, and with it, our courage, resilience, self-trust, authenticity, and wisdom. Shamanism provides a direct path to thriving.

In my healing path and my work with others over the last 23 years, I have seen this work create absolute miracles. As I deepen my work in Somatic Experiencing, my connection with my personal power and resilience has multiplied tenfold, and I have witnessed this powerful transformation with my clients as well. When combining Shamanism with Somatic Experiencing, we bridge science and spirituality, the mystical and the mundane, spirit and matter, for a truly embodied path of healing trauma and embodying wisdom. I believe a grounded approach to spirituality is imperative so that we can move through our lives from this place of power vs. from a head full of disembodied knowledge that gets us nowhere.

Watch the video on YouTube for more, and please reach out if you have any questions. Our Somatic Shamanism personal healing membership community starts soon!


Healing Self-Sabotage


You Come First