
How FREE would you be if you believed in your inherent goodness?
How free would you be if you believed that you have nothing to prove?
If you knew there was nothing to make up for or BECOME?

What if you believed that you are enough just as you are?
How would that change your life?

How would your recognition of your inherent goodness,
and of yourself as already being whole and complete
transform your relationships, your work, your health,
and your sense of well-being?
How would it transform Your LIFE?

How would this kind of liberation FEEL in your body?
Pause now...breathe and allow all that is here to be as it is…
ALL of it. ALL of you.

Nothing to do,
Nothing to prove,
Nothing to make up for.
Nothing to become.

You are enough,
just as you are in this moment.




The Sapling