Life Is A Mirror

In the truth of the ultimate reality, 

there is no other. 

All is one.

All of life is a funhouse mirror, 

showing me all of the 

brilliant facets of who I am.

When I feel rejected,

it is me, rejecting myself. 

When I feel abandoned, 

it is me, abandoning myself.

Over and over, 

I fought the reflection 

I saw in the mirror of life

until I realized

that all of my issues with others 

and all of my issues with the world 

are merely information 

about what is happening inside of me…

the mirror shows me the dynamic

I have with myself 

and with life.

When I recognized this fully, 

I stopped fighting the mirror.

Instead of fighting, 

I turn toward the parts of me

that are still immersed in fear, 

and I offer them the love 

that they have been longing for.

This work heals my life. 

In the truth of the ultimate reality, 

there is no other. 

All is one.


Only A Whisper


Power Loss