Your voice was a scream in my head

while mine was only a whisper. 

Your voice was so loud that I could 

only hear what you thought 

and what you wanted.

Your screams and demands 

drowned out my own quiet inner voice

and the longings of my soul.

I had no real freedom, 

no agency. 

I was a slave to 

what you thought,

and what you wanted.

I was like a puppet, 

molding myself to 

who I thought I needed to be

to feel safe, loved, 

and accepted by you, 

and it didn’t even work.

It only quieted my inner voice

and eroded my fragile sense of self

more than ever before.

Until I woke up and took my power back. 

Your voice was a scream in my head

while mine was only a whisper. 


You Are Love


Life Is A Mirror