Solstice Blessings

The Light has returned.

The light of the sun on the Earth,

The light of the sun on my skin,

The light of the sun illuminating my soul…

All things, once dormant, 

The plants, the trees, the flowers, and the bees,

Have come alive once more,

Nourished by the light of the sun. 

Hail to the light

Of father sun,

with his blessed healing rays

That invigorate us with the energy of

creativity, joy, and abundance.

We bask in his rays of healing light.

At the solstice summer light

At the sun’s peak, highest point in the sky,

We celebrate and dance with all of nature. 

We celebrate our renewed

energy, vitality, exhilaration, and joy.

All things, once dormant, 

The plants, the trees, the flowers, and the bees,

Have come alive once more,

Nourished by the light of the sun. 


The Portal To Our Deepest Power

