The Portal To Our Deepest Power

Grief is a portal to our deepest power,

The most potent one. 

How could that be?

Grief is such a dark and dismal thing, 

We deny it, 

We push it away, 

We do everything in our power

To escape its clutches. 

Why won’t it just go away?!

And yet, 

It lingers…

It remains in the shadows, 

Staining and marring the experiences of our lives

With its darkness and morbid, murky depths. 

The grief from our most profound losses holds us captive,

Strangling us, stealing our breath and our life force…

It paralyzes us, 

Freezing us in memories of times long past,

Draining us of our ability to truly live, 

and be present in the here and now.

The path to freedom lies in our willingness

To stop running, stop resisting.

It asks that we turn toward the parts that suffer the most,

Those parts of ourselves who have felt cut off from life,

Cut off from love,

And from joy and compassion…

It asks that we turn toward that which has been exiled…

The sadness, the guilt, the anger, the rage, the despair,

Allowing them all to be here,

It asks that we bear witness to them, 

Hearing their cries, 

It asks that we hold them as babies in our arms,

Rocking them in our loving embrace

Until their suffering is abated.

When we stop running,

And denying,

And resisting that which is most painful, 

And most challenging to face,

We gain access to so much more…

More energy,

More love, 

More compassion,

More connection,

More joy, 

More life, 

and more of our own

Authentic power. 

Grief is a portal to our deepest power,

The most potent one.


The Polarity of Opposites


Solstice Blessings