I am the survivor, the overcomer, 

the alchemist, the hero of my own journey, 

the phoenix rising from the ashes 

of my shadowy and pain-filled past.


I am the rescuer of myself…

I am the one I have been waiting for. 

As I awaken to the truth of who I am, 

the limitations that seemed so real 

disappear like a puff of smoke, 

and I realize they never truly existed…

they were figments, 

manifestations of fear born out of a lack of love. 

In my grand awakening, 

I am reborn anew, a power to behold, 

a sacred catalyst, a burst of light,  

rising above the fears and constraints of the past, 

rebirthed into a supernova. 

No limitations, no lack, no fear…

Only love, and creative potential. 

Pure possibility in the infinite mind 

of the universal one. 

I spread my wings and take flight.


Emotional Roller Coaster


Freeze Is Not A Toxic Trait