Emotional Roller Coaster

For most of my life, I struggled with endless emotional ups and downs, which for me was a symptom of my Complex PTSD and my high sensitivity.

It was beyond challenging, and extremely frustrating and made life a total struggle that went about like this…

Wild swings, back and forth, up and down, and all around, 

I’m dizzy and sick from the constant shifting and intensity.

How can I get off this endless emotional roller coaster?!

One minute is calm, the next full of panic.

Sadness, depression, and isolation are my unwelcome visitors,

Hypervigilance the task-master that drives me to exhaustion.

Anger, anxiety, and full-on rage with no outlet, 

My emotions control my life.

Overwhelmed by the smallest of things, 

fed up with the challenges of feeling so deeply, 

I don’t think life is meant to be this hard.

Can you relate?

If you can, I am sorry, I totally get it, and I have good news. Life does not have to be so hard, and there is a way to get off the emotional roller coaster. So many things have helped me over the years, and I want to share some of those things with you in my free guide. Click the link below to receive your free copy, and enjoy!

FREE GUIDE: 21 Practices To Help You Get Off the Emotional Roller Coaster


10 Signs You May Be A Wounded Healer

