What I Want For Myself

Once I finally stop

prioritizing what others think of me,

and what they expect of me,

I can finally get to the task 

of finding what I truly want for myself.

What true freedom,

what absolute liberation!

My primary drive has always been

to please and placate others,

intuiting what they wanted 

in every moment of every day…

It is a way of living 

that is not living at all,

but a type of slavery 

that has given me many masters.

The constant noise in my mind 

has finally grown quiet,

and at long last 

I am able to hear the 

delicate and quiet whisperings 

of my own inner voice.

Now I follow my inner wisdom

and the subtle sound 

of my own voice

without question,

knowing that only 

it knows what is best for me

and will never lead me astray.

Once I finally stop

prioritizing what others think of me,

and what they expect of me,

I can finally get to the task 

of finding what I truly want for myself.


Ripples On The Surface

