When Things Fall Apart

“When things fall apart in your life, you feel as if your whole world is crumbling, but it’s your fixed identity that’s crumbling, and as Chogyam Trungpa used to tell us, that’s cause for celebration.”

Pema Chodron

When life gets challenging,

and it seems like everything is falling apart,

it is important to ask ourselves the right questions.

When we ask, “why me”,

it takes us more deeply into the problem,

pulling us into a vortex of fear,

panic, helplessness, and victimization. 

Instead of asking “why me,”

it helps to ask better questions

that help us to move

into the solution and forward movement.

Instead, ask, “what is this situation teaching me about myself”,

“what do I need to learn”,

or “how can I grow from this?

The trick is to learn to see challenges

as opportunities FOR our spiritual growth

and expansion instead of something that is happening TO us. 

Things typically hit the fan

when it’s time to make a big change…

it is a signal that where we are

and what we are doing no longer work,

and that we have outgrown

our current circumstances in some way.

It is a sign that it’s time to move

to the next level of our personal evolution. 

If we don’t move when it’s time,

the pain, friction, and challenges

have a way of getting louder

until we give ourselves over

to the changes that are trying to take place in our lives. 


The Voice Of Dysregulation

